The TKUnited Taskforce has made the following COVID guidelines for the Spring 2022 semester at The King’s University:

Quarantine Protocols 

  • Individuals who have had tested positive for COVID-19 will be quarantined from campus for 5 full days, after being fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication), and their symptoms are improving. TKU recommends wearing masks for an additional 5 days following quarantine.

Social Distancing and Masks 

TKU recommends that individuals who have not been vaccinated maintain social distancing and wear masks when social distancing is not possible.

Room Capacity 

TKU will return to 100 percent classroom capacity.

Daily Screening and Temperature Checks 

  • TKU will keep the screening and temperature check stations in place for use by individuals who may become ill during work or guests who arrive on campus.
  • TKU will maintain appropriate signage encouraging students to self-screen and stay home if they are not feeling well.


  • TKU will keep the current sanitation stations in place and consider them as a permanent addition.
  • TKU will keep the current sanitation protocols for the classrooms in place.

Course Schedule

TKU will eliminate the CAP schedule and return to normal class times and residential offerings.

Food Service 

TKU will consider prepackaged food as an option for all events. When prepackaged food is not possible or not appropriate, TKU will ensure that appropriate sanitary protocols are in place with caterers and/or servers.