MJS Master’s Course Descriptions
BIBD 6321 | Defending Messianic Faith and Practice
An apologetic that studies Jewish objections to faith in Yeshua as Messiah.
Formerly GTHE547-8 Defending Messianic Jewish Faith and Practice
BIBD 6322 | Two Millennia of Messianic Faith
A survey of the rise and expansion of early Christianity in its Jewish context through Jewish communities of faith.
BIBM 6321 | Leading Messianic Congregations
An examination of the leadership in a Messianic Jewish context. The course studies the leader’s devotional life, his married and family life, and his ability to inspire and bring conviction for commitment of the community.
BIBM 7305 | True Prophets and Counter-Cultural Challenge
An examination of the biblical prophets and their message of renewal and challenge to the religious and cultural status quo of their times and ours.
Formerly GMIN547-7
BIBM 7321 | Challenging the Anti-Semitic Spirits Old and New
A critical investigation into the history and contemporary manifestations of anti-Semitism. Ways and means of responding to these anti-Jewish sentiments from a Messianic and biblical perspective.
Formerly GMIN547-5 Challenging the Anti-Semitic Spirits: Old and New
BIBM 7322 | The Jewish State in Messianic Focus
An exploration of the meaning of “Zion” in traditional and modern Jewish thinking, and an examination of the meaning of Israel’s national redemption in Yeshua.
BIBM 7323 | The Oral Law: Rabbinical Guide to Survival
A study of the historical development of the rabbinic Oral Torah, including the principle transmitters of the Oral Torah in the post-Second Temple centuries, an analysis of the Oral Torah’s treatment of the Written Torah with a discussion of the authority of Oral Torah for rabbinic Judaism, a summary of the contents of the Mishnah and Talmud, a close reading of selected passages in the Mishnah and Babylonian Talmud with an emphasis on Talmudic reasoning, along with a sampling of selections of haggadic material in the Babylonian Talmud.
Formerly GTHE547-3.20
BIBM 7324 | The Shifting Romance with Israel
A study that builds on Puritan, Great Awakening and restorationist theologies to demonstrate how the early Pentecostal movement held to a “Latter Rain” theology closely linked to Zionism. This course tracks the shifting romance with Israel characteristic of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Renewal movements in the Twentieth Century.
BIBP 5321 | Jewish Thought: Literature, Mysticism, Philosophy
A survey of Jewish intellectual thought as found in the Hebrew Bible, the historical experience of the Jewish people in diaspora and persecution, and modernist attempts to develop new Jewish responses to contemporary agendas. The Talmud(s), Codes of Law, Kabbalistic writings, and Jewish philosophers will be introduced in light of contributions each has made to providing structure for sustained Jewish identity.
MUSW 5321 | Avodah: The Art of Jewish Worship
An analysis of traditional, classical and contemporary Jewish forms of worship and their impact upon the Jewish worship experience.