
The King’s University (TKU) alumni are impacting lives all across the world. Pastors, teachers, counselors, leaders all shaped by the Spirit-empowered training of TKU and our founder, Pastor Jack Hayford. Our desire is to provide a centralized location where we can provide our alumni with news of all the exciting things happening at TKU as well as provide an avenue for you to share with us news, updates, and prayer requests. We are so proud of you and look forward to hearing how we might serve you better.


The Alumni Advisory Council will serve through the 2022-2023 academic year to develop and foster the relationship between The King’s University and its alumni. It will be the duty of the council to lead the alumni body in events and initiatives and to represent their peers in various ways throughout the year. The council will work in unity to further The King’s University, keeping the heart of what God is doing as the central part of service.

Applications for service will be accepted through July 1, 2022 and should be submitted with attached documentation to Submission of a completed application doesn’t result in automatic acceptance as a member of the Alumni Advisory Council (AAC). The King’s University retains the right to select members of the AAC.


Our Alumni & Friends Magazine is a great way to keep up with what God is doing through TKU alumni. Read about alumni doing impactful things around the world, find out about things happening at The King’s today, and discover ways to stay involved! We have all been deeply impacted by the ministry of Pastor Jack Hayford and remain part of the TKU family.


We think it’s important to always continue learning and what better way than free content. As a resource to TKU students and alumni, we offer free access to RightNow Media and Jack Hayford Digital Library. To gain access to your free account, fill out the form on this page and we will follow up with your account information!

Dani Williams

Being an online student at TKU, I wasn’t planning to go to graduation. I had a million reasons not to go. I didn’t know if anyone would come see me walk across the stage, and I felt like it wasn’t necessary. After all, I was taking my classes online from Hays, Kansas,...

Rachael Gilbert

I had just dropped my girls off at Gateway Church for an all-day, kid’s KAIROS event. We don’t live in Southlake, so I started driving, not sure how I was going to use my kid-free time. But as I drove past The King’s University, I immediately felt God tell me to make...

Sarah Sanders

As a small child, Sarah Sanders’ life was far from ordinary. Her father, Jim, was a traveling evangelist known to many in Australia and Hungary as “the American missionary.” “We would travel throughout Eastern Europe for months at a time,” says Sarah. “I remember as a...

Juan Maureira

“I remember God showing me a vision of an hourglass, and telling me, ‘Your time is up. Are you ready to commit?’” Juan Maureira recounts. Knowing that God called him to ministry as a young boy, Juan had always been involved in the church, but chose to pursue a career...

Danica Henry

For most of us, Big Texas cinnamon rolls and Welch’s grape juice might bring to mind visions of road trips and gas station breakfasts. For Chicago native Danica Henry, those two items delivered in a brown paper sack carried a much weightier message. They were God’s...