Bachelor of Worship Leadership

The Bachelor of Worship Leadership (BWL) exists to train, equip, and empower students to be effective worship ministry leaders in the local church.

Students in the BWL will learn effective pastoral leadership skills, study the biblical and theological foundations of Christian worship, develop excellent musical skills, and learn how to use relevant technologies to facilitate an encounter with God.

The BWL program was developed in partnership with key worship leaders from Gateway Church to ensure that the skills and competencies taught are relevant and applicable to the worship communities of today’s local churches.

Our BWL degree is designed to provide you with a solid biblical foundation in worship studies as well as practical skills in team building, songwriting, recording techniques, live audio, vocal and instrumental performance, and so much more.

This program is an on-campus program only, online is not an option.



Applicants must complete an audition for acceptance into the BWL program.

Applicants must complete an audition for acception prior to admission into the Worship Studies (WS) Department programs. The link for audition materials will be sent by the Undergraduate Admissions Counselor.

Audition Submission Deadlines:

  • Summer 2024 Video Audition Submission | April 26, 2024
  • Fall 2024 Video Audition Submission | July 1, 2024

For more information, contact

Meet the Director

Dr. Andrew Nicolette

I love all things Music. I am a musician, songwriter, and composer. I am passionate about equipping and empowering our students to serve the local body of Christ using their gifts and talents. I have an amazing and supportive wife, Margaux, and two wonderful children, Hudson and Hadley.

Why The King's
  • Spirit-formed leaders training Spirit-formed leaders. Given that many of our credentialed faculty are actively involved in ministry, their teaching comes from a perspective of applied knowledge.
  • Whole-person formation. For us, it’s not just about what you learn, it’s about who you become. We believe your transformation for ministry should include deepening your walk with Jesus.
  • Culture of worship and prayer. It could be the prayer room, weekly chapel, a classroom, or just a hallway – wherever it occurs, we live a life of prayer and worship.
  • Community of care. Whether you take classes online or on-ground, soul care from faculty, staff, and peers extends from the classroom into your daily life.
  • Growth in difference. When you get into a classroom with different generations, ethnicities, experiences, and faith journeys, you grow both personally and spiritually. You maintain your difference, but you grow in unity.
Program Objectives

The Bachelor of Worship Leadership degree has four objectives:

  • PASTORAL: Equip biblically based and Spirit-empowered students in pastoral leadership.
  • THEOLOGICAL: Teach Scripture and history as it relates to worship theology.
  • MUSICAL: Provide students with the musical understanding and skill-sets needed to serve in the local church.
  • TECHNICAL: Train students in relevant music, media, and administrative technologies.
Learning Outcomes

A graduate of the BWL will be able to:

  • Demonstrate biblically-based and Spirit-empowered pastoral leadership.
  • Apply sound doctrine and historical context to worship ministry.
  • Apply strong musicianship and musical communication skills from a primary and secondary instrument to direct a worship service.
  • Employ relevant music, media, and administrative technologies for use in worship ministry.
  • Design a healthy worship ministry administration to facilitate the operations and service planning of a worship department.

*BWL acceptance space is limited.


BIBM 1301 The Spirit Formed Life 3
BIBH 1301 Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements 3
BIBL 1300 Introduction to Bible 3
BIBT 1304 Christian Worldview 3
BIBL 2302 Life of Jesus 3
BIBT 2303 To the Jew First 3


UNIV 1101 Student Success Strategies 1
ENGL 1301 English Composition I 3
ENGL 1302 English Composition II 3
COMS 2303 Public Speaking and Interpersonal Communication 3
History Elective 3
Math Elective 3
Behavioral Science Elective 3
MUSH 2301 History of Music and Worship I Science Elective 3
Science Elective 4
PHIL 2301 Christian Ethics 3
PHIL 3305 Philosophy and Christian Thought 3


MPEW 2103 Band Labs 1
MPEW 3103 Platform Worship Band 1
MPEW 3104 Worship Ministry Practicum I 1
MPEW 3105 Worship Ministry Practicum II 1
Pick 1 hour from the following: 1
MPEW 2103 Band Labs
MPEW 2104 Worship Choir
MPEW 3101 The King’s Worship Ensemble
MPEW 3103 Platform Worship Band


BIBL 2301Biblical Background and Interpretation3MUSH 2302History of Music and Worship II3

BIBL 1305 Old Testament Survey 3
BIBL 1306 New Testament Survey 3


BIBW 3301Worship Leadership II3MUSW 2102Songwriting1

BIBW 1301 The Spirit Formed Worshiper 3
BIBW 2301 Worship Leadership I 3


MEDA 1304AV & Lighting3MUSB 3302Audio and Music Technologies3MEDA 3310Live Production3MUSW 4302Senior Worship Capstone Project3MUSW 4301Senior Worship Internship3

MUST 1301 Music Theory I 3
MUST 1302 Music Theory II 3


6 hours of the following for primary focus (all same instrument), and 4 hours from the following for secondary focus (all same instrument): 10
MGVM 1103 Group Vocal Lessons I
MGVM 1104 Group Vocal Lessons II
MGIM 1103 Group Piano Lessons I
MGIM 1104 Group Piano Lessons II
MGIM 1105 Group Guitar Lessons I
MGIM 1106 Group Guitar Lessons II
MPVM 1111 Applied Music Lesson – Voice I
MPVM 1112 Applied Music Lesson – Voice II
MPVM 2111 Applied Music Lesson – Voice III
MPVM 2112 Applied Music Lesson – Voice IV
MPVM 3111 Applied Music Lesson – Voice V
MPVM 3112 Applied Music Lesson – Voice VI
MPIM 1121 Applied Music Lesson – Piano I
MPIM 1122 Applied Music Lesson – Piano II
MPIM 2111 Applied Music Lesson – Piano III
MPIM 2112 Applied Music Lesson – Piano IV
MPIM 3111 Applied Music Lesson – Piano V
MPIM 3112 Applied Music Lesson – Piano VI
MPIM 1113 Applied Music Lesson – Guitar I
MPIM 1114 Applied Music Lesson – Guitar II
MPIM 2113 Applied Music Lesson – Guitar III
MPIM 2114 Applied Music Lesson – Guitar IV
MPIM 3113 Applied Music Lesson – Guitar V
MPIM 3114 Applied Music Lesson – Guitar VI
MPIM 1115 Applied Music Lesson – Drums I
MPIM 1116 Applied Music Lesson – Drums II
MPIM 2115 Applied Music Lesson – Drums III
MPIM 2116 Applied Music Lesson – Drums IV
MPIM 3115 Applied Music Lesson – Drums V
MPIM 3116 Applied Music Lesson – Drums VI
MPIM 1117 Applied Music Lesson – Bass I
MPIM 1118 Applied Music Lesson – Bass II
MPIM 2117 Applied Music Lesson – Bass III
MPIM 2118 Applied Music Lesson – Bass IV
MPIM 3117 Applied Music Lesson – Bass V
MPIM 3118 Applied Music Lesson – Bass VI


Open Electives 21


I’m Interested

“There’s something different about TKU and you do not fully understand that until you get here. It changes you. He changes you! No place I’d rather be.”