What is expected of me if I want to come on campus?
Everyone on campus is expected to follow CDC recommendations. Masks and social distancing are recommended for students who have not been vaccinated. Self screening stations are available at the staff and main entrances.
Are we required to wear masks?
Masks are recommended for students who have not been vaccinated.
Is PPE (personal protective equipment) provided for anyone on campus?
Disposable gloves and face masks are available around the campus as well as hand sanitizer stations.
How often is the University campus being cleaned/sanitized?
The campus gets cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis. Classrooms will be sanitized between each class meeting.
What is the protocol if someone exhibits symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19?
Exhibiting of symptoms will be cause to be sent home for both students and staff and they will be encouraged to be tested for COVID-19.
If someone tests positive, they must report their results immediately. Staff will report to HR and students will report to the Student Success Center. Student Workers will report to both HR and the Student Success Center.
The following will then take place:
Contact tracing will begin.
Exposure notification will go out to those that came into contact with the individual.