Can I attend any/all classes virtually?
Please reach out to your professor to discuss virtual learning options.
How do I check in for class
Your instructor will give you any specific instructions they may have for checking in. In some cases, there may be a student worker present in the classroom to assist the instructor with attendance and virtual learning technology.
Will there be chapel?
Yes! Chapel will take place in person with a virtual attendance option.
What should I do if I have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19?
Potentially exposed students should monitor their symptoms and take precautions as guided by the CDC What to Do If You Were Exposed to COVID-19.
Have the Blessed Life Scholarship eligibility criteria changed?
The Blessed Life Scholarship is available for both on-ground and online students. The chapel requirement can be met by virtual chapel attendance. Eligibility requirements can be found here.
Are student success workshops and tutoring available for those who cannot come on campus?
Yes, student success workshops continue to be accessible virtually. All students (online, on-ground, or virtual) may contact the Student Success Center for ADA accommodations, tutoring, and other services available.