Merry Christmas and happy New Year from The King’s. While we are anticipating a time of celebration with friends and family over the Christmas and New Year holidays, we are aware that this season also brings increased risk for new and current students. The TKU Directional Leadership Team has opted to take the following proactive measures:

  • January 11-15: During the first week of classes, all classes will be held exclusively online. This allows time for potential virus exposures among the student population to be addressed safely.
  • Residential students are encouraged by TKU to have returned to DFW two weeks prior to January 18 in order to minimize viral spread that might occur through holiday gatherings and travel.
  • January 18: The CAP schedule will proceed as posted.
  • Masks will continue to be required in classrooms, chapel, common areas, and when meeting with others. During the holiday, TKU Operations will ensure that classrooms are arranged so that faculty may have the option of removing their masks when teaching.

Thank you for your flexibility as we navigate this challenging season. The health of our students, faculty, and staff are important to us, and we are anticipating a healthful Spring 2021 semester at The King’s.