Rob Groves
With a wife and four boys, Rob Groves made the unconventional choice to go back to school. The decision to uproot his family from their established life in Seattle was […]

With a wife and four boys, Rob Groves made the unconventional choice to go back to school. The decision to uproot his family from their established life in Seattle was difficult, but he knew what God was calling them to and to fulfill that call he would need further training.
Over the years Rob held various jobs including: realtor, loan officer, and even a sales clerk at a clothing store, but regardless of where God placed him, there was no question that God was pulling him in the direction of ministry. He was brought on as a children’s pastor at their church in Seattle and soon after became the youth minister.
“As a youth pastor I was overwhelmed with the burden of taking over after a well respected and dynamic leader. It was a lot to live up to.”
Rob began searching and praying for more training and that the Lord would lead him to the right school. Little did he know this would require a huge leap of faith for he and his family. Rob and his wife sought the Lord and they both separately heard the Lord tell them “Texas”. Four months later they packed their bags and relocated to the DFW area.
He knew they wanted to attend Gateway Church and while looking at the church website, he came across The King’s University.
“First I saw that it was founded by Jack Hayford, and that it was accredited. That’s all I needed! I knew that The King’s was where I was supposed to be.”
Rob started pursuing a Christian Ministries degree, but soon changed to Biblical Counseling at the Holy Spirit’s nudging.
“I thought the Christian Ministries degree plan would move me further along in preparation for church ministry, but after taking a counseling class, and hearing the Holy Spirit, I changed degrees and couldn’t be happier. I know now that this degree is going to help me become a better leader, communicator, and provide me with the necessary tools to one day lead a ministry team. “
Rob is successfully balancing school, ministry and family with the flexible schedule TKU offers through on-ground and online classes. Rob and his wife serve at Gateway’s North Ft Worth campus and can be found most Sunday afternoons watching football with their entire family. Now we just need them to become Cowboys fans!