Master of Divinity – Concentration in Messianic Jewish Studies

Gain the foundational knowledge of Scripture, Messianic Judaism and ministry needed to equip you for your calling to lead or to teach through our MJS-focused Master of Divinity degree. Whether you desire to lead in the Messianic community or feel called to be a bridge between the Church and the Jewish people, our Messianic Jewish Studies (MJS) program is designed for you. This program is truly one of a kind. It is accredited, Spirit-filled, and approved by the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC) for training rabbis and teachers. You can earn this degree online or on-ground (Southlake).

    Meet the Director

    Dr. David Rudolph

    Rabbi David Rudolph (Ph.D., Cambridge University) was born and raised in the Washington, D.C. metro area where he attended Congregation Beth El, a Conservative synagogue, and Beth Messiah Congregation, a Messianic synagogue. David had a profound encounter with the God of Israel when he was 16 and a junior at Walt Whitman High School. This changed the course of his life. For the rest of the story, click here.

    Why The King's
    • Spirit-formed leaders training Spirit-formed leaders. Given that many of our credentialed faculty are actively involved in ministry, their teaching comes from a perspective of applied knowledge.
    • Whole-person formation. For us, it’s not just about what you learn, it’s about who you become. We believe your transformation for ministry should include deepening your walk with Jesus.
    • Culture of worship and prayer. It could be the prayer room, weekly chapel, a classroom, or just a hallway – wherever it occurs, we live a life of prayer and worship.
    • Community of care. Whether you take classes online or on-ground, soul care from faculty, staff, and peers extends from the classroom into your daily life.
    • Growth in difference. When you get into a classroom with different generations, ethnicities, experiences, and faith journeys, you grow both personally and spiritually. You maintain your difference, but you grow in unity.
    Program Objectives

    This concentration seeks to:

    • Prepare men and women for Messianic Jewish ministry;
    • Provide a knowledge of Scripture and the tools and methods to interpret Scripture;
    • Provide a knowledge of Judaism and Christianity and the relationship between these religious traditions;
    • Provide a knowledge of Messianic Jewish history, theology and practice;
    • Equip students with practical ministry skills in the areas of Messianic Jewish leadership, teaching, preaching, worship, counseling, and administration;
    • Assist students in developing a theology of Messianic Jewish ministry;
    • Develop practical ministry skills through supervised Messianic Jewish ministry experiences; and
    • Encourage students to develop their unique spiritual gifts and to integrate these gifts into their theological studies and Messianic Jewish ministry.
    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this concentration, students will be able to:

    • Demonstrate the ability to interpret and apply biblical texts using sound hermeneutical principles and exegetical methods;
    • Demonstrate a knowledge of the heritage, traditions and practices of the global Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements, including a vision for healing the schism between the Church and the Jewish people;
    • Evidence a familiarity with traditional Jewish and Messianic Jewish history, theology and practice;
    • Articulate a biblically-based theology of Messianic Jewish ministry and leadership that is Spirit-empowered and informed by the calling of Israel and the Body of Messiah;
    • Apply biblical and theological knowledge to one’s personal spiritual formation within the context of Messianic Jewish ministry;
    • Communicate the knowledge of who God is and what He has done clearly, accurately, and with love and respect.


    BIBD 6318 Tanakh 3
    BIBD 6319 The New Testament as Jewish Literature 3
    BIBL 6302 Biblical Hermeneutics 3
    BIBL 6308 Life of Jesus in Historical Context 3


    BIBD 5300 Messianic Jewish Theology 3
    BIBD 6301 Christian Theology I 3
    BIBD 6302 Christian Theology II 3
    BIBH 5302 Christian History and Renewal I 3
    BIBH 5303 Christian History and Renewal II 3


    BIBC 7301 OR BIBM 6324 Pastoral Counseling OR Messianic Jewish Pastoral Care 3
    BIBM 5305 The Spirit Formed Leader 3
    BIBM 5307 Homiletics 3
    BIBM 6301 Graduate Ministry Practicum 3
    BIBM 6319 Congregational Growth and Development 3
    BIBM 7315 Master’s Capstone Project: Divinity 3


    APOL 6304 Messianic Jewish Outreach 3
    BIBD 6320 Messianic Jewish Spirituality 3
    BIBM 7310 Jewish-Christian Relations 3
    BIBH 5304 Messianic Judaism in Antiquity and the Modern Era 3
    BIBH 7325 OR BIBH 7323 Studies in the Land of Israel OR Israel Study Trip 3
    BIBL 6320 Jewish Practices in Messianic Context 3
    BIBL 6321 Introduction to Rabbinic Literature 3


    BHEB 5301 Hebrew I 3
    BHEB 5302 Hebrew II 3


    Choose 6 hours from the following:
    APOL 7302 Messianic Jewish Apologetics 3
    BGRK 6301 Greek I 3
    BGRK 6302 Greek II 3
    BIBH 6309 Israel in the Spirit-Empowered Tradition 3
    BIBH 5320 Studies in Antisemitism and the Holocaust 3
    BIBH 6322 History of Judaism and the Jewish People 3
    BIBM 7302 Studies in the New Antisemitism 3
    BIBL 5315 Studies in Matthew and Early Judaism 3
    BIBL 5317 Studies in the Jewish Calendar 3
    BIBL 5319 Studies in Luke-Acts and Early Judaism 3
    BIBH 7321 Biblical Geography of Israel Study Trip 3
    BIBL 6305 Studies in John and Early Judaism 3
    BIBL 6307 Studies in Romans and Early Judaism 3
    BIBL 7306 Introduction to Midrash 3
    BIBL 7302 Studies in Jewish Ethics 3
    BIBL 7303 The Talmud 3
    BIBL 6313 Studies in Galatians and Early Judaism 3
    BIBL 6314 Studies in the Torah 3
    BIBL 6317 Studies in the Ketuvim 3
    BIBL 73XX Biblical Exegetical Book Study Course 3
    BIBM 6308 Messianic Jewish Non-profits 3
    BIBL 6311 Studies in the Nevi’im 3
    BIBM 7301 Engaging Antisemitism in the Church and Public Square 3
    BIBM 6320 The Basics of Synagogue Worship 3


    I’m Interested

    “There’s something different about TKU and you do not fully understand that until you get here. It changes you. He changes you! No place I’d rather be.”