Bachelor of Ministry Leadership

Do you sense God calling you to full-time work in vocational ministry? The Bachelor of Ministry Leadership (BML) degree at The King’s University is a great program for those who want to serve the local church or parachurch organization in a full-time setting.

With four distinct concentrations (Pastoral Ministry, Ministry Administration, Christian Formation and Discipleship Ministry, and Next Generation Ministry), the program is designed to highlight different aspects of ministry while giving students experience, a well-rounded ministry education, and preparation for the Master of Divinity and Master of Practical Theology programs, along with other graduate degrees offered at TKU.


Meet the Director

Dr. Jesse Buchholz

Dr. Jesse Buchholz is a seasoned leader in the field of education and a respected figure in servant leadership. Armed with a Doctorate in Educational Leadership, a Master of Divinity, a Master’s in Educational Leadership, and a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Buchholz possesses a comprehensive understanding of the principles that drive effective leadership and holistic development. His academic achievements have provided him with a strong foundation to revolutionize the educational landscape and inspire others to do the same.


TKU’s Bachelor of Ministry Leadership program isn’t simply a one-size-fits-all ministry education. These five concentrations help prepare students for specific work in full-time ministry. If you’re not sure exactly where you fit in ministry, this program will help you discover exactly where you’re called to serve.

Pastoral Ministry

Ideally, for students who are called to be senior pastors, associate pastors, and chaplains, this path gives a biblical and theological foundation on which to preach and have influence in their churches and communities. Students will learn a variety of skills, including leadership to pastoral care, from people who have practiced full-time ministry for many years. Courses include Pastoral Ministry, Counseling in the Church, Sermon Preparation, History and Theology of Christian Worship, and Introduction to Missions.

Ministry Administration

The Church needs men and women prepared for executive and administrative roles. Students who feel called to the ministry and wish to develop skills in ministry administration, personnel and finance management, and non-profit leadership, will find that this concentration will help to build a strong foundation for ministry in these areas. Courses include Managing Non-Profits, Introduction to Non-Profit Finance, Personnel Management, and Leading Team Ministry.

Christian Formation and Discipleship Ministry

After people get to Jesus, the next step is to be like Him. This concentration focuses on those who feel called to disciple people. With a strong focus on training people who wish to lead spiritual formation and small group programs in their churches, students in this concentration will be prepared to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Courses include Health and Wellness/Life Coaching, Counseling in the Church, Pastoral Ministry, Developing Curriculum for Discipleship, and Spiritual Formation in the Local Church.

Next Generation Ministry

Becoming a senior pastor isn’t every church leader’s calling. For those who are called to reach the next generation, this concentration focuses on training students who will lead and develop programming for children, adolescents, and families. Courses include Sermon Preparation, Counseling Children and Adolescents, Human Development, Health and Wellness/Life Coaching, Models of Next Generation Ministry, and Contemporary Issues in Next Generation Ministry.

Global Ministry

For those who feel a divine calling towards missions or possess a fervent desire to connect with individuals in diverse cultural settings, this concentration allows you to discover the world from a spiritual perspective as you prepare yourself for Spirit-guided engagement in global ministry. Courses include World Religions, Anthropology for Intercultural Witness, Intercultural Communication, Biblical Theology of Missions, Leading Missions Ministry, and Contemporary Issues in Global Ministry.

Why The King's
  • Spirit-formed leaders training Spirit-formed leaders. Given that many of our credentialed faculty are actively involved in ministry, their teaching comes from a perspective of applied knowledge.
  • Whole-person formation. For us, it’s not just about what you learn, it’s about who you become. We believe your transformation for ministry should include deepening your walk with Jesus.
  • Culture of worship and prayer. It could be the prayer room, weekly chapel, a classroom, or just a hallway – wherever it occurs, we live a life of prayer and worship.
  • Community of care. Whether you take classes online or on-ground, soul care from faculty, staff, and peers extends from the classroom into your daily life.
  • Growth in difference. When you get into a classroom with different generations, ethnicities, experiences, and faith journeys, you grow both personally and spiritually. You maintain your difference, but you grow in unity.
Program Objectives
  • Develop biblical and theological competence in the Charismatic tradition.
  • Develop healthy leaders for Spirit-empowered Christian ministry.
  • Nurture compassion for ministering to people in the Church and in the world.
  • Provide a solid understanding of the gospel and how to communicate it.
  • Give students ministry experience in healthy environments.
Learning Outcomes

In addition to earning Undergraduate Core Curriculum Requirements learning outcomes, students who complete this program will be able to:

  • Respond to contemporary challenges from a faithful biblical and theological perspective.
  • Effectively communicate the gospel and spiritually equipping messages in various formats.
  • Implement effective plans and practices for his/her spiritual growth.
  • Lead people in spiritual growth.
  • Provide organizational ministry leadership in his/her context.
  • Articulate a biblical philosophy of ministry that emerges from a Charismatic Theology.

BIBM 1301 The Spirit Formed Life 3
BIBH 1301 Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements 3
BIBL 1300 Introduction to Bible 3
BIBT 1304 Christian Worldview 3
BIBL 2302 Life of Jesus 3
BIBT 2303 To the Jew First 3


UNIV 1101 Student Success Strategies 1
ENGL 1301 English Composition I 3
ENGL 1302 English Composition II 3
COMS 2303 Public Speaking and Interpersonal Communication 3
History Elective 3
Math Elective 3
Behavioral Science Elective 3
Humanities Elective 3
Science Elective 4
PHIL 2301 Christian Ethics 3
PHIL 3305 Philosophy and Christian Thought 3


BIBL 1305 Old Testament Survey 3
BIBL 1306 New Testament Survey 3
BIBM 1302 Spirit Formed Ministry 3
BIBM 3302 Leadership Development 3
BIBL 2301 Biblical Background and Interpretation 3
BIBT 2305 Systematic Theology I 3
BIBT 2306 Systematic Theology II 3
BIBT 2304 The Blessed Church 3
BIBM 3306 Teaching to Transform Lives 3
APOL 3304 Introduction to Apologetics 3
BIBM 3303 Ministry and Administrative Skills 3
BIBM 2305 Healthy Family Dynamics 3
BIBH Elective 3
BIBM 4302 Senior Capstone Project 3
BIBM 4303 Senior Internship 3


BIBM 2101 Practicum Prep 1
BIBM 3201 Junior Ministry Practicum 2
BIBM 3201 Junior Ministry Practicum 2


Biblical Studies (BIBL/BGRK/BHEB) Electives 6


See “Program Options” tab 18


Program Options

No Concentration – General BML Program:

Courses with BIBM course ID not already required

Courses with BIBC/APOL/PHIL/BMIS course ID not already required

Pastoral Ministry Concentration:
BIBM 2304 Pastoral Ministry
BIBC 3304 Counseling in the Church
BIBM 2303 Sermon Preparation
BIBT 3310 History and Theology of Christian Worship
BMIS 1301 Introduction to Missions

Ministry Administration Concentration:
BIBM 3322 Managing Non-Profits
BIBM 3328 Introduction to Non-Profit Finance
BIBM 3329 Introduction to Personnel Management
BIBM 4304 Leading Team Ministry

Christian Formation and Discipleship Concentration:
BIBM 3314 Health and Wellness/Life Coaching
BIBC 3304 Counseling in the Church
BIBM 2303 Pastoral Ministry
BIBM 3326 Developing Curriculum for Discipleship
BIBM 3327 Spiritual Formation in the Local Church

Next Generation Concentration:
BIBM 2303 Sermon Preparation
BIBC 4310 Counseling Children and Adolescents
SOCI 3301 Human Development
BIBM 3314 Health and Wellness/Life Coaching
BIBM 3330 Models of Next Generation Ministry
BIBM 4306 Contemporary Issues in Next Generation Ministry

I’m Interested

“There’s something different about TKU and you do not fully understand that until you get here. It changes you. He changes you! No place I’d rather be.”