Core Curriculum

The TKU Baccalaureate Core Curriculum is made up of Christian Foundation courses, General Education courses, and Experiential Learning courses. These courses offer students a framework for the development of a Christian worldview, an essential breadth of knowledge for successful professional and personal success, and the opportunity for practical application of theoretical knowledge. Additionally, the Core Curriculum gives students a focused educational component and biblical mindset for life ministry, while providing a foundation to each of the baccalaureate majors.

Core Curriculum Course Types

The Christian Foundation courses are designed to enable students to engage their beliefs and the disciplines necessary to formulate a solid biblical and Christian worldview and mindset for life and ministry. Students are afforded the opportunity to become sensitive to their own spiritual formation and potential before Christ as well as to become effective in applying the Word to a changing culture.

The General Education courses give students a foundation for skills they will use throughout their formal academic and ongoing learning experiences regardless of their major. These courses help students become knowledgeable about a variety of areas in humanities, science, and quantitative analysis, as well as competencies such as critical thinking, effective communication, and information literacy.

Experience-based learning courses provide students with the opportunity to integrate what they learn in the classroom with practical experience. They give students further opportunity for supervised ministry training in field settings so that they attain higher proficiency as reflective practitioners.

Core Curriculum Objectives

The Core Curriculum program seeks to help students by doing the following:

  • Provide a foundation for advanced academic and professional endeavors;
  • Affirm the call to Christian vocational ministry;
  • Provide direction for personal spiritual growth and development;
  • Assist in developing a Christian worldview and lifestyle;
  • Provide a biblical, theological foundation for ministry with a Charismatic dimension;
  • Provide the basic knowledge, understanding, and skills for ministry;
  • Encourage students to participate actively in the life and ministry of the church; and
  • Build study, thinking, and communion skills for academic and ministry success.
Core Curriculum Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor’s degree, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of Scripture and the doctrines of the Church from the perspective of the Pentecostal and renewal Christian traditions;
  • Demonstrate literacy of the humanities, sciences, and quantitative analysis.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for God’s creative design, redemptive purposes, and renewing activity in the broad arena of creation.
  • Exhibit Christ-like character through Spirit-empowered life and service.
  • Respond to cultural and spiritual questions from a biblically based worldview;
  • Integrate biblical and theological knowledge with the philosophical and practical application of ministry;
  • Communicate with clarity and conviction in written, oral, and interpersonal contexts;


BIBM 1301 Spirit Formed Life 3
BIBH 1301 Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements 3
BIBL 1300 Introduction to Bible 3
BIBT 1304 Christian Worldview 3
BIBL 2302 Life of Jesus 3
BIBT 2303 To the Jew First 3


UNIV 1101 Student Success Strategies 1
ENGL 1301 English Composition I 3
ENGL 1302 English Composition II 3
COMS 2303 Public Speaking and Interpersonal Communication 3
History Elective 3
Math Elective 3
Behavioral Science Elective 3
Humanities Elective 3
Science Elective 3
PHIL 2301 Christian Ethics 3
PHIL 3305 Philosophy and Christian Thought 3


BIBM 2101 Practicum Prep 1
BIBM 3201 Junior Ministry Practicum 2
BIBM 3201 Junior Ministry Practicum 2


I’m Interested

“There’s something different about TKU and you do not fully understand that until you get here. It changes you. He changes you! No place I’d rather be.”