Dr. Jonathan Frazier
Director of Bachelor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Director of Intercultural Studies, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies and Missions


Dr. Jonathan Frazier’s journey in higher education began in the urban center of Moscow, Russia while ministering as a missionary in the former Soviet Union—Russia, Belarus and Latvia. As an intercultural educator of more than 20 years, Jonathan served in various administrative and teaching roles in several collegiate-level Bible schools and ministry training centers in the Eurasia region and more recently in universities based in the United States. Jonathan’s background in intercultural ministry and life-long commitment to authentic engagement of culture with the Gospel are foundational to his passion for missionary training that meets culture head on—whether the graduate enters into full‐time ministry or other vocations, their engagement with culture should be informed by sound missiology, empowered by the Holy Spirit, rooted in the Word of God, and marked by an authenticity and commitment that cannot be denied. In addition to his current role at The King’s University, Jonathan is an ordained minister and teaches online courses as an adjunct for other Christian universities.

Certifications and Credentials

  • Certification – Mastery in Blended Learning, Online Learning Consortium
  • Certification – Online Teaching Security Training, Point University
  • Certification – Online Teaching Best Practices, Southeastern University
  • Ordained Minister, Assemblies of God

Research and Interest Areas

Intersection of biblical theology of missions with practical ministry training—missionary training that combines the traditional classroom with the local church through practical engagement and application of ministry in the world.


  • Lampp, Beverly, Robby Waddell, and Jonathan Frazier, “Challenges in Teaching Critical Thinking across Various Formats: Traditional, Online, Blended.” Conference on Decision Making Through Values-Based Critical Thinking. St. Leo’s University, St. Leo, FL, May 2015.
  • “Russian Orthodox and Russian Pentecostals: Comparisons and Contrasts.” East-West Church and Ministry Report 19, no. 4, 2011.
  • 2010 Eurasia Field Study—On Becoming an AGWM-Eurasia Missionary: Practical Insight into the Preparation and Training Process for the Eurasia Region. Internal AGWM-Eurasia document, 2010.
  • Faces of Eurasia and Russia Evangelism Outreach. Editor/Copywriter. AGWM-Eurasia ministry publications, 1996-2000.

Courses Taught

  • BIBL 1300 – Introduction to Bible
  • BIBL 2301 – Biblical Background and Interpretation
  • BIBT 1304 – Christian Worldview
  • BMIS 1301 – Introduction to Missions
  • BMIS 1302 – Intercultural Engagement and Ministry
  • BMIS 2301 – Contemporary World Missions
  • BMIS 2302 – Anthropology for Intercultural Witness
  • BMIS 3302 – Intercultural Communication
  • BMIS 3303 – Biblical Theology of Missions
  • BMIS 3304 – World Religions (cross-listed BIBT 3305)
  • BMIS 4303 – Creative Access in Missions
  • BMIS 4304 – Effective Missions Strategies
  • BMIS 7301 – Missional Strategies in Contemporary Culture


Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

Southeastern University