Doctoral Students

Where to Start

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid each year using TKU’s school code (035163).
  • Be admitted to TKU.
  • Enroll and maintain at least half-time enrollment at TKU.
    • For Doctoral students, half-time enrollment is at least six credit hours per semester during bridge work. Once you are fully admitted to the Doctoral program and cohorts begin, you will be required to attend full-time (four credit hours per semester).
  • Cancel all pending financial aid offers/awards at your other school(s), if applicable.
  • Apply for scholarships.
Step 1: Submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

What you need to do

  • Request FSA ID, if you haven’t created one previously.
  • Gather important documents.
  • Fill out the FAFSA online. TKU’s school code is 035163.
  • Wait for your Student Aid Report via email. (This will give you an estimate of federal aid for the full academic year – it is not an official award offer.)
  • Make sure you are applying for the FAFSA that corresponds with the correct year you anticipate enrolling.

What we do

  • Download your FAFSA and match it to your student profile.
  • Determine what additional steps are needed.
Step 2: Apply to TKU

What you need to do

  • Fill out an application for Admission.
  • Include your Social Security Number.
  • Make sure your information matches your information on the FAFSA.

What we do

  • Create an applicant/student profile and email.
  • Send you instructions on how to access your email.
Step 3: Additional Documents

What you need to do

  • Check your TKU student email for a notification on the additional documents needed. (This is typically sent within 7-10 business days after we’ve received your FAFSA and you are enrolled at TKU.)
  • Log into the TKU Financial Aid Portal. Instructions for creating your account will be included in our first email to you for next steps.
  • Complete any outstanding documents listed in the portal. Most documents can be completed electronically or will need to be uploaded to the portal.

What we do

  • Review all documents and send any necessary corrections to FAFSA to the Dept. of Education.
  • Notify you via email if any documentation is incomplete and/or insufficient.
Step 4: Award Offer Sent

What you need to do

  • Make sure you are enrolled at least half-time.
  • Wait for your award letter via email. (This is typically sent within 7-10 business days after enrollment and all documents in step 3 have been received.)

What we do

  • Verify student is meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
  • Verify enrollment.
  • Set your financial budget.
  • Determine what programs you are eligible for.
  • Make initial awards.
  • Review your awards to ensure your awards are accurate.
  • Send you an award offer notification.
Step 5: Accept Your Awards

What you need to do

  • Log in to the TKU Financial Aid Portal and review your awards.
  • Determine your tuition/fee costs as well as any additional expenses to ensure you are not accepting more aid than is needed.
  • Accept or Decline each award. Adjustments can be made to award amounts in the portal before acceptance.
  • Complete Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note for any loans being borrowed. *NOTICE: We are unable to disburse federal loans until these two steps are completed.

What we do

  • Submit accepted award information to the US Department of Education.
  • Begin disbursement processes one week after courses start (to verify student attendance).
Step 6: Check for Aid Disbursements

What you need to do

  • Wait for disbursement notification via email.
  • Check your Student Ledger to see disbursements post to your account. This typically occurs in the second week of classes after attendance is verified.

What we do

  • Receive reporting from professors that student is attending courses during first week of classes.
  • Send disbursement requests to Dept. of Education.
  • Receive aid deposits from Dept. of Education.
  • Post disbursements to students’ accounts.
Step 7: Credit Balance Refunds

What you need to do

  • Determine how you want to receive any refunds from TKU.
    • If you’d like to receive refunds via direct deposit, complete the eRefund form.
    • If you’d like to receive refunds via direct deposit, complete the eRefund form.
  • Keep attending classes!

What we do

  • Determine which students have received more aid than needed to pay their tuition/fee balance at TKU.
  • Issue refund checks and direct deposits. (TKU will send all credit balance refunds to students within 14 business days once the credit appears on the student’s account.)